Episode 01: Introduction to the podcast
In today’s inaugural podcast, we welcome listeners to the Miracle Doctors and give an overview of what the podcast is about, which of course, is miracles, which we define as welcome events unexplained by current science. We suggest who this podcast is suited for and what to expect in future episodes.
Dr. Charan 0:08
Hi there, this is Dr.Charan Surdhar.
Dr. Wendy 0:12
And this is Dr. Wendy Down. And we are doctors of integrative medicine, and our podcast is about miracles, or ' welcome events unexplained by current science'. You'll hear the stories of people who have experienced them, learn the emerging science that explains them, and discover practices to help you foster them. We are the miracle doctors, and we want to help you doctor miracles in your life too.
Dr. Charan 0:41
I'm so excited. This is our first episode. And we're just going to help people understand what miracles are. Because I'm sure that people coming in just think of miracles as being something that's out there, and not really something that they can actually have in their own life. Isn't that true?
Dr. Wendy 1:01
Yes. And yet, our lives and our practices are a demonstration that you can foster miracles. And there's a science that supports them. And also that we have lots of conversations with people who've experienced them, to help people who are open minded enough to consider that miracles can happen and want them to happen to know through this podcast, how to make them happen.
Dr. Charan 1:32
And but you know, you might be listening to this thinking, Well, does it apply to you? Well, yes it does. Absolutely. Because it doesn't matter what the issue, whether it's to do with relationships, whether it's relationship with yourself, or others... money, and to do with health. So it could be any one of those and more, right?
Dr. Wendy 1:57
Absolutely. Yeah, what occurs to me is a framework, I guess, of understanding miracles is that we all know what's probable or likely in any given situation that we're in. And we tend to limit our thinking, or our expectations, or hopes, or what we think about to what lies within that realm of probability. And yet, every scenario also includes a possibility, maybe not the likely one. But what's possible. And as we learn to lean into possibility, and open ourselves up to something happening that isn't within the probable realm, we allow miracles to become more and more present in our lives. And it's a practice, it's something we can learn to do. So I'm so excited to start this podcast with you, Charan, because you and I, you know, we dwell, in this realm?
Dr. Charan 2:56
Oh, we do. We do. And I just, I feel like I want to read that, that about the definition of a miracle so that we can kind of make it real for people. And the way that we have it in our introduction is it's welcome events unexplained by current science. That may seem like something really out there. And not possible, but just like we've just been discussing that it can be. And I know that I have been living with this myself, like being able to use these tools, get into that space, and really allow those miracles to show up. And I know you have to just like you said, we've we live in that space. But that doesn't mean that you haven't got issues, like the issues are still there things show up in our lives. But it's how we are able to navigate through those that allows us to then create the miracles, right?
Dr. Wendy 3:54
Absolutely. The other thing you know, you just read that description of how we define miracles, as welcome events unexplained by current science. And I think part of the focus of the podcast is to also see that word 'welcome' as a verb, that we can learn how to welcome - as a verb - events unexplained by current science.
Dr. Charan 4:17
I love that. I love that. That kind of just says it all. Really.
Dr. Wendy 4:22
It does. And you know, the other thing is that we have both spent our PhD years testing this through the research that we've done, and diving into the deep science, the factual science that explains, you know, how miracles occur, what the physics are. And we both have practices, working with individuals and groups and creating programs that teach people how to move, as I said, into that way of thinking and being more and more.
Dr. Charan 4:55
Yeah, absolutely. I remember when we started off our PhDs, we were sort of even then we were delving into this like five years ago now that we were still delving into this rare, you know, way of working. And as we progressed through the PhDs, it was like, it just got refined itself more and more and more and more. Personally, I like to talk about, you know, examples, that may be one of the examples that how it's impacted me. And I'm sure you'd be happy to share it as well. For me, there's been a lot of, you know, sort of things that have shown up in relationships and in situations in my life that have really put me into situation where it felt like it was like, Well, how there, you just can't see a way out of this. And as I practice these tools, it was as if things became really smooth. And it's almost like, you know, when you pull something out of butter, I've likened it to that. It's like literally coming out of a situation, when you pull something out of it, it's so smooth, it just comes out, you're like, how did that even happen? Like, how did that even show up that quickly? or How did this resolve itself so quickly? It's pretty amazing. And I know for sure that one of the other examples is how we even wrote our PhDs, because we intended for it to be fun and easy the whole way for the four years. And I know that both of us had so much fun.
Dr. Wendy 6:32
Yes. Well, I look forward to hearing the details on some of the stories that you just described, or alluded to, in your own life. And I know people listening will want to know those details as well. Because right now, you know, today on our first broadcast, we're just, or podcast, we're just talking about sort of the general framework. But you know, there are specifics, phenomenal, specific stories, factual stories that we each can share, and people that we are interviewing that can have their own stories and do have their own actual stories to share. And I think there's something about just listening to the story of example after example, that really helps us to move from that mindset of, of not trusting or not knowing or being skeptical, into a more solid understanding that yes, this happens all the time and we have that foundation under us to support us in moving forward.
Dr. Charan 7:40
So in order to help everyone see and if they would love to stay with us and listen to our podcasts, What are they going to get out of this like, either by the end of each podcast? What... I know we're going to be interviewing, like you said, interviewing people that actually live their life that way. We're going to be also working with people live, you know, on not live, obviously, on the podcast, but with demonstrations in the podcasts of people that have issues and work through them, and how quickly that can happen. But how would you say like the end of what that is going to do for the listener?
Dr. Wendy 8:20
That's a great question. I would say it would be a feeling of new possibility and hopefulness, and an experience of a new level of, maybe, joy opening up in people. I don't know, what about what about you?
Dr. Charan 8:39
Definitely an access of joy. Because, you know, I define joy as really being our natural state of being, and we're so used to living our lives in a way that that is not the case. But actually it is. And so when we can access that state [of joy], that's where the miraculous exists. And definitely hope and joy is where we're going.
Dr. Wendy 9:04
So when you look forward to like the idea of, you know, sharing people's stories, sharing examples, doing sessions, talking to maybe other people that understand the science, when you're looking ahead, what are you most excited about sharing with people that are listening?
Dr. Charan 9:23
I know that when they hear those stories, it's going to open up... you know what, let me give you an example. You know, horses when they're kind of walking down, they've got those things on the side of their face to stop them from looking anywhere else other than ahead. Right.
Dr. Wendy 9:43
Dr. Charan 9:43
Blinders. When we live our life in a way that is literally with blinders on because we think that it's only one way and there's no other way. And I feel that I know our intention has always been that we love to take those blinders off and open up the field of possibilities for people. And so that's what I see happening.
Dr. Wendy 10:10
Oh, that's a great, you know, analogy. And I was gonna answer my own question too, which is the thing that I look forward to the most is actually doing exactly what you just described with people in real time so that the listener can listen in as we work with people, and where they start off with what blinders they have, what limits they have in place. And then as we work they can feel and hear and witness those limitations, those blinders falling away and hear how different the person sees and feels and relates to the scenario once those are gone. Because we know how to make that happen within, you know, a very short period of time. Absolutely within, you know, the timeframe of a short podcast. So that's what I'm looking forward to.
Dr. Charan 11:04
Yeah, me too. Really excited about that. And, like we said, so the science of it, how it happens, how it can unfold for others. And as you listen to the podcast, our hope is that you will receive the same benefits so that it unfolds for you as you listen.
Dr. Wendy 11:27
Nice. Oh, I'm so excited.
Dr. Charan 11:30
Yes, exactly.
Dr. Wendy 11:32
I think is that a wrap? Like, I think that for me kind of gives the foundation to get this thing going, with the specifics in future podcasts?
Dr. Charan 11:45
Absolutely. I think so too. We'll see you the next time, then.
Dr. Wendy 11:49
I just want to sit for a second and feel the excitement.
Dr. Charan 11:53
Dr. Wendy 11:54
... the pleasure, the anticipation, the healing, or the opening, the curiosity that some of our listeners may be experiencing as they hear the certainty and confidence in our voices as we take on this topic and look forward to guiding people through it.
Dr. Charan 12:17
I literally felt my whole body go into like those bubbles of of excitement. And that brings creativity for me. And we know that in quantum physics when we step into creativity, that's where we open up the doors for infinite potential. And so, as we're wrapping up here, we want to bring in that space of infinite potential that exists in your life, as you feel this and you listen to the rest of our episodes.
Dr. Wendy 12:54
Beautiful. I look forward to taking this next step with you to, Charan, you're just the perfect person for me personally to be doing this with and I'm so grateful.
Dr. Charan 13:05
And you too, likewise. Alright everyone, see you on the next podcast.
Dr. Wendy 13:11
Bye for now.
Dr. Charan 13:12