My talks are both thought-provoking and highly experiential. Your audience will hear new ideas that make sense and then immediately test them through direct personal experience. Each person will be in a position to determine the truth and benefit of what they’ve experienced for themselves.
My subject matter may sound heady but it is simple enough for even kids to learn easily. (In fact, apologies to your adult ego, but kids actually get it faster than most adults.)
For live events, online platforms like Zoom are ideal as they allow people to simultaneously gather while also being in a private space. Listening formats like podcasts are also perfect – for the same reason.

Podcasters and social media influencers, if you offer programs that change people’s lives, I can help you achieve your goals.
Talk therapy professionals interested in getting to the core of issues, such as therapists, counsellors, coaches, psychologies, psychiatrists and social workers.
Groups interested in enhancing emotional wellbeing and emotional intelligence in their members. Audiences interested in personal growth, human potential and trauma recovery, best practices for parenting. Addictions and recovery groups.
Teachers, my heart is with you. I can help you deal with the stress in your lives and help your students manage the stress in theirs. If you are in a position to organize a professional development day, let’s connect.
Hands-on practitioners such as massage therapists and physiotherapists. Energy workers such as Reiki practitioners
Scientists and academics, please question my research, assumptions, leaps of intuition and findings. I am eager for conversations to reveal flaws and move the science forward.
I’ve spoken at corporate events and healthcare facilities, to parenting, community and mental health organizations, and with curious over-the-fence neighbours

My talks focus on how easy it is to learn my signature work - the In Deeper Process - and use it to create greater wellbeing and magic in our daily lives.
Depending on your audience’s needs, I can give a short description of human emotions as I’ve come to understand them through years of private practice grounded in the science of my PhD work on the subject. This element helps your audience understand why they can influence their state of being (how they feel) through an innate ability we possess but have never learned to use. I can then show your participants how to do this by guiding them through a silent, private experience of the In Deeper Process to transform an emotion in real time.
Afterwards, if your audience is live, I could answer questions and offer suggestions on how bring what they’ve learned into the challenges of daily life.
The explanation can be tailored for the interests and capacities of your group. My talks can be very simple – suitable for children as young as 8 or 9 – or geared to the most nerdy science-craving audience. I wrote my PhD dissertation on this so my range of understanding is deep. And my Master’s degree in Education helps me to meet your audience where they are at.
OK No matter what.
The 5 simple steps of the In Deeper Process that turn stress to calm every single time
I feel better now!
A parent and teachers guide to helping children learn to use the In Deeper Process and master their own emotional wellbeing, regardless of what is going on around them.
What pushes your buttons?
5 simple steps to dismantle your biggest emotional button in real time.
A science experiment testing the physics of emotion.
Introduce your audience to a fresh new way to think about emotions then test the science out for themselves.
Treating your whole client.
how to help your clients move through strong emotions with grace and skill using the In Deeper Process
Freedom from trauma what if releasing the after-effects of trauma didn't have to be painful?